Big Data & Machine Learning
Our engineers build analytical models that help companies “learn” from data. While creating new applications we always focus on scalability and efficiency of our solutions.
We offer proof of concept and Minimal Viable Products (MVPs) that will result in finding the scalable, customisable and secure blockchain solutions.
Geo Spatial
We offer a range of geospatial services that combines cost-effectiveness, speed, and reliability. Our GIS software development includes desktop, server, web, and mobile solutions and provides capabilities including image manipulation, spatial analysis, and map creation.
Cloud First Development
We develop Cloud first applications and services designed specifically to utilize modern cloud computing functionality. Cloud first applications and services are better performing and in many cases more stable than traditional application models
Software as a Service
Create unique designs that captivate your customers and give you the edge over your competitors.
We provide End-to-end SaaS Solutions: including Strategy, Planning, Deployment and Scaling.
Our DevOps as a Service solution automates the processes in your software delivery lifecycle to improve collaboration, monitoring, management, and reporting. We build infrastructures that are fully compliant and safe from external threats or data breaches that will improve your new product velocity and business agility.
We offer a wide range of IoT software development services from middleware engineering to IoT data pipeline architecture and build practical web and mobile applications.
Native Mobile Apps
Whether you’re looking for a way to increase staff engagement or to make your services more user-friendly for on-the-go customers we can help. We specialise in native mobile app development, meaning every app we build is created to fit your users’ needs perfectly.
Magento E-Commerce
Do you need an ecommerce website for your business?
We offer painless shopping experiences to customers.
Quality Assurance
We can help you with every aspect of software quality assurance, starting from the assessment of your existing QA processes to the creation of a comprehensive long-term QA strategy.